Wall Tiles

Bathroom wall tiles

Brands We Have Associated With

Find Your Perfect Wall Tile in Our Showroom

Welcome to Lakshmi Ceramics, where your vision of an ideal space is not just a possibility but a guarantee, accessible to everyone. 

We and our partnership brands ethos are simple yet profound: To provide high-quality, affordable tiles across a vast collection, ensuring that every style, preference and budget is honoured.

The wall tile collections from our top-notch brands, showcase a wide spectrum of materials, styles, finishes and colours, ensuring we cater to every design inclination and architectural need of yours.

Tile Variety for Every Design Vision:

Materials that Matter

We champion the diversity of tile materials, each selected for its unique properties and aesthetic appeal. The timeless versatility of Ceramic tiles, the robust elegance of vitrified tiles and the luminous depth of Glass tiles are all part of our repertoire, sourced from our esteemed brand partners. These materials are chosen for their ability to adapt to various settings, offering both durability and style.

Styles that Speak Volumes

Our tile collection from various other brands span across the expanse from Modern aesthetics, characterised by sleek, clean lines, to Traditional designs that evoke a timeless elegance. For those with an artistic flair, our Artistic collection transforms walls into canvases, showcasing tiles that are nothing short of art pieces.

Finishes that Fascinate

At Lakshmi Ceramics, we offer a captivating array of tile finishes to perfectly complement your space’s unique style. Choose from the subtle elegance of matte finishes, the radiant glow of glossy tiles, or the rich texture of textured options. For those seeking something truly distinctive, explore the collections of  intricately carved tiles or the natural allure of the wooden tile collection. Each finish is thoughtfully designed to transform your environment, combining aesthetics with practicality for stunning results.

Colours that Captivate

The right colour can define a space, set its mood and even alter its perceived dimensions. Our partner brands offer an endless palette, from serene whites and soft pastels to bold and statement hues, ensuring that you find the perfect shade to match your decor and bring your vision to life.

In-Depth Guidance

Beyond offering a wide range of sizes, we provide comprehensive guidance on how to measure your space accurately. This includes tips on accounting for cutting and fitting around corners, fixtures and features, ensuring you purchase the right quantity of tiles, avoiding shortages or excess.

At the heart of Lakshmi Ceramics is a deep-seated belief in inclusivity, mirrored in the diverse range of tile collections from top brands. We pride ourselves on ensuring that our tile offerings are not only wide-ranging but also readily available and in stock, ready to breathe new life into your spaces. Our partner brands dedication to availability, variety and affordability is our badge of honour, facilitating the realisation of your dream home.

While our online showcase presents a glimpse into our world of tiles, it’s just the tip of the iceberg. A visit to our wall tile store opens up a realm of possibilities, where the spectrum of choices knows no bounds. Our in-store wall tile showroom experience is framed to inspire and guide you toward finding that perfect tile match for your home, unhindered by the limitations of online browsing.

Explore the boundless possibilities that our partnerships with top wall tile showrooms can offer your home.